If you haven't already done so, upgrade your game by downloading Dazzle's all-in-one upgrade pack. It comes with everything you need for today's servers. Does your blue bar freeze when joining servers? Do you lag in games? Do you get an annoying siren in Phobik's Servers? This is what you need. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD.

It's been 12 years...

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New Brainjar
New Brainjar
Posts: 69
Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:49 pm
Location: planetthinktanks2.com

It's been 12 years...

Post by DC »

Hello, Old Friends. Just dropping in after 12 years. I was 12 when I used to play this. (I was 10 when I first joined. Played for 2+ years.) It was what sparked my interest into coding by learning how to mod the game. Now I am 24. I am the CTO at a large marketing firm doing programming, automation, web development, business analysis, etc... I randomly thought about this forum tonight and scrolled through and relived a lot of great memories. Thanks for all of the great times you've given!
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