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CLIENT RECEIVE SCRIPT - Required for Phobik's Servers

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Re: Please install this script..

Post by SliMShaDy »

:lol: Too bad he can't give a Damn :lol:

:tankerguns: I rule while you drool :dribble:

:muhaha: -woo-BaDBoYz-rulez- :happy2:

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Re: Please install this script..

Post by Jerry »

I don't see how you rule and he drools while you are banned from his servers... you know that he will host the servers for psl right so you su*k and your fu@*ed!

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as confused as a baby in a topless bar
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Re: Please install this script..

Post by SliMShaDy »

:lol: well not really banned BUT I have been pwning on TBM and as you all know I never EVER gotten beaten on scrum - only when they start doing there thing to beat me. :lol: Always looking forward to W.I.N. on every game I play and good luck, don't have to hate the BEST players like llik and me cause we always get mixed up when we play as an alias. Was fun though playing with him and we always pwn even when we get out numbered. Just have fun, this is just a game. You all show how you all feel against the other players with that kind of comments. :thumbup: Think llik and me would be an awesome team :tankerguns:

I'm a lover, not a hater :razz:

:rockon: -woo!-BaDBoYz-rulez- :rockon:

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Re: Please install this script..

Post by ThatGuySam »

SliMShaDy wrote:DO NOT INSTALL THIS CRAPPY SCRIPT, you DO NOT need it anyways all it is nothing but CR@P. Poor guy got me banned on his servers now, lol :lol: I showed you all anyways that I can easily pwn you :thumbup: We will kick his sorry@rse at PSL anyways. :tankerguns:

:rockon: -woo!-BaDBoYz-rules!
Don't listen to that, this is a good and trustworthy script.
Have Fun Always

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Re: Please install this script..

Post by Speedo »

Gimmie the scrum!
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Re: CLIENT RECEIVE SCRIPT - Required for Phobik's Servers

Post by ArtCrazy »

Thanks for the update that locks this script to your server! My only real complaints are basically gone now since I trust you enough not to do anything harmful.

Just fyi, for people who still play ThinkTanks, in case anybody is interested (it has nothing to do with this script), I stumbled upon these accidentally a couple months back:

ThinkTanks (at least the Windows version) has a bug/exploit in that Torque scripts CAN access files outside the ThinkTanks directory, even without "real" remote code execution exploits. It should be quite easy to realize that a specific .dso file would have those capabilities just by opening it inside a text editor, though.

It's also quite easy to achieve remote code execution using the ThinkTanks file preload feature, at least in Windows. Thus, as unlikely as it may be that someone would go through that effort, don't install scripts from sources you don't trust (i.e. a random community member who you've never seen before) or join servers without a Never Ending Download bar (and immediately exit if you see it downloading any kind of .dll file). Also, don't run ThinkTanks as Administrator if you can avoid it!

*I always say "at least in Windows" because that's the only OS I tested the exploits on, however I don't really see any reason they wouldn't work somewhere else

As far as I know I'm the only one who knows of the exact means to achieve both those things (and maybe Warfare, since I'd sent him a PM with the proof-of-concept for the .dll exploit a while back as he'd requested, before the PTT2 rollback, although I'm not sure whether he ever read it), but you never know, it's not hard to figure out how to do them either.
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Re: CLIENT RECEIVE SCRIPT - Required for Phobik's Servers

Post by aaa »

Thanks for the update AC, it's pretty helpful!

Phobik, I installed the client receive script yesterday and all was working fine..I mean the GUI and all.
I went to your server today, and it said I didn't have it installed.
I mean, so I double checked and of course the .dso was in place along with the line of script in my main.cs.

I'm not sure what's up with that, any ideas?
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Re: CLIENT RECEIVE SCRIPT - Required for Phobik's Servers

Post by Mr Phobik »

aaa wrote:Thanks for the update AC, it's pretty helpful!

Phobik, I installed the client receive script yesterday and all was working fine..I mean the GUI and all.
I went to your server today, and it said I didn't have it installed.
I mean, so I double checked and of course the .dso was in place along with the line of script in my main.cs.

I'm not sure what's up with that, any ideas?
I made a mistake on my end. It should be fixed. Sorry :oops:
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Re: Please install this script..

Post by A--1 »

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TumbleWeed wrote:
Mr Phobik wrote:Image
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Re: CLIENT RECEIVE SCRIPT - Required for Phobik's Servers

Post by A--1 »

No page found .I can not get it.
Mr Phobik wrote:I've been working on some stuff that involves client sided scripts, to improve how players interact with my servers.
By installing the script from the link below, I can create things that require client sided scripts without you having to do anything - making things much easier on your side. Just a one time install.
I'll be able to create things like scoreboards for example(replacing that crappy Top 3 Players thing) and much more. This script will add a lot of new features, which is why it's very important you install it.

If you download the Daz pack for Windows or Mac as of the date of this post, it will come with this script pre-installed. Click Here to download the Daz pack.

**Update: Script is now more secure - will only allow commands from MY servers through a domain/IP check.
Installation is simple.
Download the script: Click Here

Navigate to your TT files (ie. C:\Program Files\Bravetree), and place the script in game/client. Then add this line to the end of your main.cs


If installed correctly, you should get a message saying the script has been successfully installed when you join my servers.

If you need any help with this, either respond here in this thread, or e-mail me at Mr_Phobik at hotmail dot com and I'll help you out!

..and if you don't install this script, you'll get an annoying message every time you join my servers :tankertongue:

Note: This in no way gives me any access to files outside the ThinkTanks directory. I will only be able to update TT files. Think of it as a built in updater, just like almost all other games have.
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