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Skinning Info

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Skinning Info

Post by Cassie »

Tank Skin Files

Where are the files/where do the skins go?
For PC:
The graphics / tank skins can be found in the following folder:
c:\Program Files\BraveTree\ThinkTanks\game\data\shapes\tanks\
(if you installed it somewhere else, just alter the first part of the path accordingly)

For Mac (OSX):
CTRL-Click on the ThinkTanks application. Choose "Show Package Contents" from the pop-up menu, then, to find the files, go to the following folder:
The files themselves

I strongly suggest that you create a new folder (called 'original') and copy al the above files into this folder. You can then revert back to them at any point (if you ever want or need to) by copying them back again from this new folder.

The shapes of the tanks and items are controlled by the dts files and are preconfigured 3D models. You cannot alter these.

The tanks, use the following files for their skins and these are the main four (or first three at least) graphics that the majority of people actually alter:
    Tank01.jpg for the light tank
    Tank02.jpg for the medium tank
    Tank03.jpg for the heavy tank
    Tank04.jpg for the ufo

The player-driven medium and heavy tanks both have brain jars, the light tank just has a brain. These files are:
    brain.jpg the brain that sits inside the brain jar
    Brainglass.jpg the mask for the glass area of the brain jar.
    BrainJar01.jpg the brain jar for the light tank
    BrainJar02.jpg the brain jar for the medium tank
    BrainJar03.jpg the brain jar for the heavy tank
    BrainJar04.jpg the brain jar for the ufo

The bots don't have brain jars, but instead have metal heads depending on their skill level:
    bot01.jpg for the bronze bot heads (dull bots)
    bot02.jpg for the silver bots heads (smart bots)
    bot03.jpg for the gold bots heads (expert bots)

The tank treads animation (same for all tanks):
    tanktread01.jpg frame 1
    tanktread02.jpg frame 2
    tanktread03.jpg frame 3
    tanktread04.jpg frame 4
    tanktread05.jpg frame 5
    tanktread06.jpg frame 6
    tanktread07.jpg frame 7

Terrain Skin Files

Where are the files/where do the skins go?
For PC:
The graphics for textures / skins can be found in the following folder:
C:\Program Files\BraveTree\ThinkTanks\game\data\terrains\
(if you installed it somewhere else, just alter the first part of the path accordingly).

For Mac (OSX):
CTRL-Click on the ThinkTanks application.
Choose "Show Package Contents" from the pop-up menu, then, to find the files, go to the following folder: contents\Resources\game\data\terrains\

The files themselves
I strongly suggest that you create a new folder (called 'original') and copy al the above files into this folder. You can then revert back to them at any point (if you ever want or need to) by copying them back again from this new folder.

There are 4 subfolders here:
    BlueTerrain which is for the 'spooky' maps
    details which contains an extra detail overlay graphic
    FTerrain which is for the 'lush' maps
    RedTerrain which is for the 'frantic' maps
BlueTerrain, FTerrain and RedTerrain each contain four graphics and all four are textures for the map terrains.




Object Skins
Where are the files/where do the skins go?

For PC:
The graphics for most of these textures / skins can be found in the following folder:
C:\Program Files\BraveTree\ThinkTanks\game\data\shapes\common\
(if you installed it somewhere else, just alter the first part of the path accordingly).

Other objects (which are terrain specific i.e. trees, rocks and volcanoes) car be found in the following folders:
    C:\Program Files\BraveTree\ThinkTanks\game\data\shapes\Green\
    C:\Program Files\BraveTree\ThinkTanks\game\data\shapes\Blue\
    C:\Program Files\BraveTree\ThinkTanks\game\data\shapes\Red\
(Where Green = Lush map objects, Blue = Spooky map objects, and Red = Frantic map objects)

For Mac (OSX):
CTRL-Click on the ThinkTanks application. Choose "Show Package Contents" from the pop-up menu, then, to find the files, go to the following folder:

Other objects (which are terrain specific i.e. trees, rocks and volcanoes) car be found in the following folders:
(Where Green = Lush map objects, Blue = Spooky map objects, and Red = Frantic map objects)

The files themselves
I strongly suggest that you create a new folder (called 'original') and copy al the above files into this folder. You can then revert back to them at any point (if you ever want or need to) by copying them back again from this new folder.

The shapes of the items are controlled by the dts files and are preconfigured 3D models. You cannot alter these, you can only alter the graphics that are used as textures or skins.

Booster Pads:
    boostpad.jpg graphic skin for the bounce pads/arrow pads
    boostarrow01.jpg frame 1 of the arrow pad animation overlay
    boostarrow02.jpg frame 2 of the arrow pad animation overlay
    boostarrow03.jpg frame 3 of the arrow pad animation overlay
    boostarrow04.jpg frame 4 of the arrow pad animation overlay

Scrum Goal:
    scrumgoal01.jpg frame 1 for the goal animation
    scrumgoal02.jpg frame 2 for the goal animation
    scrumgoal03.jpg frame 3 for the goal animation
    scrumgoal04.jpg frame 4 for the goal animation
    scrumgoal05.jpg frame 5 for the goal animation
    scrumgoal06.jpg frame 6 for the goal animation
    scrumgoal07.jpg frame 7 for the goal animation
    scrumgoal08.jpg frame 8 for the goal animation

The Scrum:
    scrumball.jpg graphic skin for the scrum

Ammo reload gate:
    rechargemap.jpg graphic skin for the ammo reload gate
    boostarrow01.jpg frame 1 of the flashing lights animation overlay
    boostarrow02.jpg frame 2 of the flashing lights animation overlay
    boostarrow03.jpg frame 3 of the flashing lights animation overlay
    boostarrow04.jpg frame 4 of the flashing lights animation overlay
    boostarrow05.jpg frame 5 of the flashing lights animation overlay
    boostarrow06.jpg frame 6 of the flashing lights animation overlay
    electro01.jpg frame 1 of the lightning effect when gate is used
    electro02.jpg frame 2 of the lightning effect when gate is used
    electro03.jpg frame 3 of the lightning effect when gate is used

Rocks and Trees
Lush Maps (the first of the 3 above file paths - Green):
    RockGreen01.jpg rock texture graphic
    TreeGreen01Bark.jpg texture for the tree trunks
    TreeGreen01Branch.jpg texture for the tree foliage
    TreeGreen01Branch.alpha.jpg alpha mash for the above graphic

Spooky Maps (the second of the 3 above file paths - Blue):
    RockBlue01.jpg rock texture graphic
    TreeBlue01Bark.jpg texture for the trees (no foliage on the spooky maps)
    dragonbone.jpg graphical skin for the skeletal remains
    fishbone.jpg graphical skin for the skeletal remains

Frantic Maps (the second of the 3 above file paths - Red):
    Obsidian.jpg rock texture graphic

Volcanoes (for the Frantic Maps)
These actually sit in the 'common folder' where all the 'map objects' are:

C:\Program Files\BraveTree\ThinkTanks\game\data\shapes\common\

Mac OSX:

The files associated with volcanoes are:
    Volcano.jpg main texture of the volcano
    VolcanoRock.jpg texture of the volcanic rock
    VolcanoExplosion.jpg explosion effect for the volcano
    Volcanobump.jpg graphic effect for when the debris bounces

Sky Skins

Where are the files/where do the skins go?
For PC:
The graphics for the sky can be found in the following folder:
C:\Program Files\BraveTree\ThinkTanks\game\data\skies\
(if you installed it somewhere else, just alter the first part of the path accordingly).

For Mac (OSX):
CTRL-Click on the ThinkTanks application. Choose "Show Package Contents" from the pop-up menu, then, to find the files, go to the following folder:

The files themselves
I strongly suggest that you create a new folder (called 'original') and copy al the above files into this folder. You can then revert back to them at any point (if you ever want or need to) by copying them back again from this new folder.

There are three different skies, one for each map type (Lush, Spooky and Frantic) and each is comprised of five graphics. Imagine you are sitting inside a room, each of the four walls would have a different mural painted on it, and the ceiling would have the fifth. Be sure to make sure that any edges match up with the graphics that will touch them.

Lush Sky:
    day_0001.jpg 'wall' 1
    day_0002.jpg 'wall' 2
    day_0003.jpg 'wall' 3
    day_0004.jpg 'wall' 4
    day_0005.jpg 'ceiling'

Spooky Sky:
    SkyBlue01.jpg 'wall' 1
    SkyBlue02.jpg 'wall' 2
    SkyBlue03.jpg 'wall' 3
    SkyBlue04.jpg 'wall' 4
    SkyBlue05.jpg 'ceiling'

    Frantic Sky:
    SkyRed01.jpg 'wall' 1
    SkyRed02.jpg 'wall' 2
    SkyRed03.jpg 'wall' 3
    SkyRed04.jpg 'wall' 4
    SkyRed05.jpg 'ceiling'

Weapon Skins

Where are the files/where do the skins go?
This information refers to changes to the graphics, not to the actual nature of the or properties of the weapons.

For PC:
The graphics can be found in the following folder:
c:\Program Files\BraveTree\ThinkTanks\game\data\shapes\tanks\
(if you installed it somewhere else, just alter the first part of the path accordingly).

For Mac (OSX):
CTRL-Click on the ThinkTanks application. Choose "Show Package Contents" from the pop-up menu, then, to find the files, go to the following folder:

The files themselves
I strongly suggest that you create a new folder (called 'original') and copy al the above files into this folder. You can then revert back to them at any point (if you ever want or need to) by copying them back again from this new folder.

Aiming reticles:
    reticle.png the default aiming reticle.
    SpeedyReticle.png the aiming reticle for the 'Speedy' powerup
    SplashReticle.png the aiming reticle for the 'Area Effect' powerup
    BounceReticle.png the aiming reticle for the 'BounceBack' powerup
    Muzzleflash.png the flash at the end of your turret after firing
    Smoke.png smoke graphic

Default Projectile:
    DefaultProjectile.jpg the default ammo shell
    DefaultProjectile.alpha.jpg used as an alpha mask for the above

Speedy powerup projectile:
    SpeedyProjectile.jpg the speedy projectile (fired shell)
    SpeedyProjectile.alpha.jpg the alpha mask for the above

Explosion animation for Default and Speedy projectiles:
    TankExplosion01.jpg frame 1
    TankExplosion01.alpha.jpg alpha mask for the above
    TankExplosion02.jpg frame 2
    TankExplosion02.alpha.jpg alpha mask for the above
    TankExplosion03.jpg frame 3
    TankExplosion03.alpha.jpg alpha mask for the above
    TankExplosion04.jpg frame 4
    TankExplosion04.alpha.jpg alpha mask for the above
    TankExplosion05.jpg frame 5
    TankExplosion05.alpha.jpg alpha mask for the above
    TankExplosion06.jpg frame 6
    TankExplosion06.alpha.jpg alpha mask for the above

Bounce-back powerup projectile:
    BounceProjectile.jpg the bounceback ammo shell
    BounceProjectile.alpha.jpg the alpha mask for the above
    BounceBump.png graphic used for the bounce effect of the ammo
    BounceExplosion01.jpg the explosion for a bounceback shell
    BounceExplosion01.alpha.jpg the alpha mask for the above

Area-effect powerup projectile:
    AreaProjectile.jpg the bounceback ammo shell
    AreaProjectile.alpha.jpg the alpha mask for the above
    AreaExplosion.jpg the explosion for an area effect shell
    AreaExplosion.alpha.jpg the alpha mask for the above

These information was written by -Z- for PTT and slightly edited by me.
For the original files, go here (note: internet archive files, slow)